Pass | Cross-origin: the prototype is null | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/browsers/the-windowproxy-exotic-object/windowproxy-prototype-setting-cross-origin.sub.html:21:5) |
Fail | Cross-origin: setting the prototype to an empty object via Object.setPrototypeOf should throw a TypeError | assert_throws_js: function "() => {
Object.setPrototypeOf(target, newValue);
}" threw object "SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame." ("SecurityError") expected instance of function "function TypeError() { [native code] }" ("TypeError") at Test.<anonymous> (
at Test.step (
at test (
at self.testSettingImmutablePrototypeToNewValueOnly ( Asserts runFail | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "() => { Object.setPrototypeOf(target, newValue); }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /common/test-setting-immutable-prototype.js:5:5) |
Pass | Cross-origin: setting the prototype to an empty object via __proto__ should throw a "SecurityError" DOMException | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_dom("SecurityError", function "function() { target.__proto__ = newValue; }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /common/test-setting-immutable-prototype.js:26:7) |
Fail | Cross-origin: setting the prototype to an empty object via Reflect.setPrototypeOf should return false | Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.Error: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at Reflect.setPrototypeOf (<anonymous>)
at Test.<anonymous> (
at Test.step (
at test (
at self.testSettingImmutablePrototypeToNewValueOnly (
at self.testSettingImmutablePrototype (
at window.onload ( Asserts runNo asserts ran |
Pass | Cross-origin: the prototype must still be null | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /common/test-setting-immutable-prototype.js:44:5) |
Fail | Cross-origin: setting the prototype to null via Object.setPrototypeOf should not throw | Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.Error: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at Function.setPrototypeOf (<anonymous>)
at Test.<anonymous> (
at Test.step (
at test (
at self.testSettingImmutablePrototype (
at window.onload ( Asserts runNo asserts ran |
Pass | Cross-origin: setting the prototype to null via __proto__ should throw a "SecurityError" since it ends up in CrossOriginGetOwnProperty | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_dom("SecurityError", function "function() { target.__proto__ = newValue; }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /common/test-setting-immutable-prototype.js:57:7) |
Fail | Cross-origin: setting the prototype to null via Reflect.setPrototypeOf should return true | Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.Error: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at Reflect.setPrototypeOf (<anonymous>)
at Test.<anonymous> (
at Test.step (
at test (
at self.testSettingImmutablePrototype (
at window.onload ( Asserts runNo asserts ran |