Pass | Animation with scroll-timeline should be affected c-v | Asserts runPass | assert_approx_equals(0, 0, 0.1, "scrollContainer scrolls to bottom, so the opacity should be 0")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /css/css-contain/content-visibility/content-visibility-animation-with-scroll-timeline-in-auto-subtree.html:68:3) | Pass | assert_equals(0, 0, "Opacity does not change when it is hidden by c-v")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /css/css-contain/content-visibility/content-visibility-animation-with-scroll-timeline-in-auto-subtree.html:71:3) | Pass | assert_equals(0, 0, "The animation is hidden by c-v, so opacity does not change even if scrollTop changes")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /css/css-contain/content-visibility/content-visibility-animation-with-scroll-timeline-in-auto-subtree.html:74:3) | Pass | assert_equals("1", "1", "Now that the animation is visible, opacity should be updated")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /css/css-contain/content-visibility/content-visibility-animation-with-scroll-timeline-in-auto-subtree.html:80:3) |